
Supervisory Board



Management of Monolith N.V. is conducted by Monolith Investment Management B.V. Please see above for more information with regard to the team of by Monolith Investment Management B.V.

Public Limited Company

Monolith N.V. is a public limited company with an open-end character. For detailed information, please see our Information Memorandum.

Taxation of Monolith

Monolith is subject to corporate tax and, with regard to its 5%-participations, will appeal for the participation exemption. This implies that neither dividends received from such participations nor gains made by disposal of the corresponding shares are taxed. For comprehensive information with regard to the fiscal aspects of Monolith, please see the Information Memorandum.


Supervisory Board

Monolith N.V. has a Supervisory Board. The role of the Supervisory Board is to supervise policy of the management (Monolith Investment Management B.V.) and the general conduct of business at Monolith N.V.
In its supervising role, the Supervisory Board will also be responsible for periodic monitoring of the application of measures and principles which ensure an ethical and diligent conduct of operations. These measures and principles are primarily intended to protect the interests of the unit holders in Monolith N.V. and to restrict conflicts of interest to the greatest possible extent.